Update Merchant Invoice Themes

Here’s the revised documentation that addresses your requests:

API Endpoint: Update Merchant Invoice Themes


This API endpoint allows updating the theme configuration for a specific merchant based on a dynamic key and value. It is secured and can only be accessed by users with the PARTNER role.

HTTP Request

Testing Environment:

POST https://restpilot.paylink.sa/rest/partner/v2/merchant/{key}/{value}/themes

Production Environment:

POST https://restapi.paylink.sa/rest/partner/v2/merchant/{key}/{value}/themes


AuthorizationBearer <your_token_here>

Note: To obtain the Bearer token required for authentication, refer to the Partner Authentication Guide.

Path Parameters

  • key: The key used to identify the merchant attribute. Possible values:

    • cr or freelancer: Search by the merchant's license number.
    • mobile: Search by the merchant's phone number.
    • email: Search by the merchant's email address.
    • accountNo: Search by the merchant's account number.
  • value: The value associated with the key (e.g., specific license number, phone number, email, or account number).

Example curl Request

Testing Environment:

curl --location 'https://restpilot.paylink.sa/rest/partner/v2/merchant/email/[email protected]/themes' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJoYXNzYW4uYXlvdWIuMTk4MEBnbWFpbC5jb20iLCJhdXRoIjoiUk9MRV9NRVJDSEFOVCxST0xFX01FUkNIQU5UX0FDQ09VTlQsUk9MRV9QQVJUTkVSIiwiaXNzIjoiQVBJIiwiZXhwIjoxNzI1MDYwNDYwfQ.PyzoR4YCxcVlls3ne7ApvvW9wSQoURVzoPNTO7stiPuuGAsAXexFIOZJ79tXI8v-b5HGESr20K0-I2_yFbUPvQ' \
--data '{
    "primaryColor": "#00FFde",
    "secondaryColor": "#8C60E2",
    "footerColor": "#f2f0f5",
    "footerBackgroundColor": "#110f15",
    "primaryLightColor": "#4f99e3",
    "primaryHoverColor": "#1b61a7",
    "defaultLanguage": "ar",
    "showLogo": "paylink",
    "textColor": "#000",
    "menuTextColor": "#FFF",
    "buttonHoverTextColor": "#FFF",
    "fontUrl": "https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Montserrat",
    "fontFamily": "\"dinnext-r\", sans-serif",
    "backgroundColor": "#898989",
    "foregroundColor": "#FFF",
    "progressModalBackground": "#FFF",
    "titlePanelBackground": "#e9ecef",
    "paymentFormBackground": "#FFF",
    "buttonTextColor": "#FFF",
    "paymentDeclineColor": "#ffc107",
    "paymentApprovedColor": "#44781a",
    "invoiceHeaderTextColor": "#FFF"

Production Environment:

curl --location 'https://restapi.paylink.sa/rest/partner/v2/merchant/email/[email protected]/themes' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJoYXNzYW4uYXlvdWIuMTk4MEBnbWFpbC5jb20iLCJhdXRoIjoiUk9MRV9NRVJDSEFOVCxST0xFX01FUkNIQU5UX0FDQ09VTlQsUk9MRV9QQVJUTkVSIiwiaXNzIjoiQVBJIiwiZXhwIjoxNzI1MDYwNDYwfQ.PyzoR4YCxcVlls3ne7ApvvW9wSQoURVzoPNTO7stiPuuGAsAXexFIOZJ79tXI8v-b5HGESr20K0-I2_yFbUPvQ' \
--data '{
    "primaryColor": "#00FFde",
    "secondaryColor": "#8C60E2",
    "footerColor": "#f2f0f5",
    "footerBackgroundColor": "#110f15",
    "primaryLightColor": "#4f99e3",
    "primaryHoverColor": "#1b61a7",
    "defaultLanguage": "ar",
    "showLogo": "paylink",
    "textColor": "#000",
    "menuTextColor": "#FFF",
    "buttonHoverTextColor": "#FFF",
    "fontUrl": "https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Montserrat",
    "fontFamily": "\"dinnext-r\", sans-serif",
    "backgroundColor": "#898989",
    "foregroundColor": "#FFF",
    "progressModalBackground": "#FFF",
    "titlePanelBackground": "#e9ecef",
    "paymentFormBackground": "#FFF",
    "buttonTextColor": "#FFF",
    "paymentDeclineColor": "#ffc107",
    "paymentApprovedColor": "#44781a",
    "invoiceHeaderTextColor": "#FFF"

Request Body

The request body should be in application/json format, containing the updated theme settings.

Example Request Body

    "primaryColor": "#00FFde",
    "secondaryColor": "#8C60E2",
    "footerColor": "#f2f0f5",
    "footerBackgroundColor": "#110f15",
    "primaryLightColor": "#4f99e3",
    "primaryHoverColor": "#1b61a7",
    "defaultLanguage": "ar",
    "showLogo": "paylink",
    "textColor": "#000",
    "menuTextColor": "#FFF",
    "buttonHoverTextColor": "#FFF",
    "fontUrl": "https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Montserrat",
    "fontFamily": "\"dinnext-r\", sans-serif",
    "backgroundColor": "#898989",
    "foregroundColor": "#FFF",
    "progressModalBackground": "#FFF",
    "titlePanelBackground": "#e9ecef",
    "paymentFormBackground": "#FFF",
    "buttonTextColor": "#FFF",
    "paymentDeclineColor": "#ffc107",
    "paymentApprovedColor": "#44781a",
    "invoiceHeaderTextColor": "#FFF"



Response Example

The response will typically confirm the successful update of the theme settings. An example response might echo the updated settings or provide a confirmation message.

    "primaryColor": "#00FFde",
    "secondaryColor": "#8C60E2",
    "footerColor": "#f2f0f5",
    "footerBackgroundColor": "#110f15",
    "primaryLightColor": "#4f99e3",
    "primaryHoverColor": "#1b61a7",
    "defaultLanguage": "ar",
    "showLogo": "paylink",
    "textColor": "#000",
    "menuTextColor": "#FFF",
    "buttonHoverTextColor": "#FFF",
    "fontUrl": "https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Montserrat",
    "fontFamily": "\"dinnext-r\", sans-serif",
    "backgroundColor": "#898989",
    "foregroundColor": "#FFF",
    "progressModalBackground": "#FFF",
    "titlePanelBackground": "#e9ecef",
    "paymentFormBackground": "#FFF",
    "buttonTextColor": "#FFF",
    "paymentDeclineColor": "#ffc107",
    "paymentApprovedColor": "#44781a",
    "invoiceHeaderTextColor": "#FFF"

Response Details

primaryColorStringThe primary color used in the theme.
secondaryColorStringThe secondary color used in the theme.
footerColorStringThe color of the footer text.
footerBackgroundColorStringThe background color of the footer.
primaryLightColorStringA lighter variation of the primary color.
primaryHoverColorStringThe color used when an element is hovered over.
defaultLanguageStringThe default language of the theme, represented as an ISO code (e.g., "ar" for Arabic).
showLogoStringIndicates which logo to show. Possible values are: paylink, merchant, or none.
textColorStringThe color of the text used in the theme.
menuTextColorStringThe color of the menu text.
buttonHoverTextColorStringThe color of the button text when hovered.
fontUrlStringThe URL to the font used in the theme.
fontFamilyStringThe font family used in the theme.
backgroundColorStringThe background color used in the theme.
foregroundColorStringThe foreground color used in the theme.
progressModalBackgroundStringThe background color of the progress modal.
titlePanelBackgroundStringThe background color of the title panel.
paymentFormBackgroundStringThe background color of the payment form.
buttonTextColorStringThe color of the text on buttons.
paymentDeclineColorStringThe color used to indicate payment decline.
paymentApprovedColorStringThe color used to indicate payment approval.
invoiceHeaderTextColorStringThe color of the text in the invoice header.


401Unauthorized: If the provided token is invalid or expired.
403Forbidden: If the user does not have the required PARTNER role.
404Not Found: If no merchant or theme is found for the specified key and value.

This updated documentation now properly reflects the ability to update themes based on various keys, simplifies the headers to only include the Authorization header, and provides a streamlined curl example.