Refund an Order

API Endpoint: Process a Refund for an Order


This API endpoint allows processing a refund for a specific order associated with a merchant. The refund is triggered by providing the order number and a reason for the refund. It is secured and can only be accessed by users with the PARTNER role.

HTTP Request

Testing Environment:


Production Environment:



AuthorizationBearer <your_token_here>

Note: To obtain the Bearer token required for authentication, refer to the Partner Authentication Guide.

Path Parameters

  • key: The key used to identify the merchant attribute. Possible values:

    • cr or freelancer: Search by the merchant's license number.
    • mobile: Search by the merchant's phone number.
    • email: Search by the merchant's email address.
    • accountNo: Search by the merchant's account number.
  • value: The value associated with the key (e.g., specific license number, phone number, email, or account number).

Request Body

The request body should be in application/json format, containing the order number and the reason for the refund.

Example Request Body

    "orderNumber": "1722731077436",
    "refundReason": "Client canceled the order."

Example curl Request

curl --location '[email protected]/refund' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJoYXNzYW4uYXlvdWIuMTk4MEBnbWFpbC5jb20iLCJhdXRoIjoiUk9MRV9NRVJDSEFOVCxST0xFX01FUkNIQU5UX0FDQ09VTlQsUk9MRV9QQVJUTkVSIiwiaXNzIjoiQVBJIiwiZXhwIjoxNzI1MzIzMDYzfQ.dcxeRtoGcfmbNo4H4ons8FBy5onqRoqMxTvnFX5-Ezeup36oH1uh8_MgNKCuoekJw3ut-iKPucp1cC63ufcohw' \
--data '{
    "orderNumber": "1722731077436",
    "refundReason": "Client canceled the order."



Response Example

The response will confirm the refund details, including the order number, refund amount, currency, and reason.

    "id": 237,
    "orderNumber": "1722731077436",
    "amount": 125.0,
    "currency": "SAR",
    "refundReason": "Client canceled the order.",
    "createDatetime": 1722731201000

Response Details

idIntegerThe unique identifier for the refund transaction.
orderNumberStringThe order number for which the refund was processed.
amountNumberThe amount was refunded to the client.
currencyStringThe currency in which the refund was processed, e.g., "SAR".
refundReasonStringThe reason provided for the refund.
createDatetimeLongThe timestamp when the refund was created, represented in milliseconds since epoch.


401Unauthorized: If the provided token is invalid or expired.
403Forbidden: If the user does not have the required PARTNER role.
404Not Found: If no merchant or order is found for the specified key and value.
400Bad Request: If the request body is malformed or required fields are missing.