Get My Merchants

The Get My Merchants API allows partners to retrieve a list of merchants associated with their account.


GET /rest/partner/getMyMerchants

Request Headers

AuthorizationYesBearer token provided by Authentication Endpoint
AcceptYesIt must be set to application/JSON.
Content-TypeYesIt must be set to application/JSON.
  "Authorization": "Bearer [id_token]",
  "Accept": "application/json",
  "Content-Type": "application/json"


The API response will be a JSON array containing information about the merchants associated with the partner's account.

Field nameField typeDescription
idIntegerUnique identifier for the merchant.
merchantIdIntegerThe merchant's ID.
merchantShopNameStringName of the merchant's shop (if applicable).
merchantPhoneStringPhone number of the merchant.
merchantLicenseTypeStringType of merchant license (e.g., freelancer).
merchantLicenseNumberStringLicense number of the merchant.
merchantLicenseNameStringName on the merchant's license.
merchantCivilIdStringCivil ID of the merchant.
merchantEmailStringEmail address of the merchant.
merchantStoreUsernameStringUsername of the merchant's store (if applicable).
partnerProfileNoStringProfile number of the partner associated with the merchant.
partnerLicenseNameStringName on the partner's license.
currentViewerPlaceholder property (not in use).
partnerIdPlaceholder property (not in use).
whoPayPaylinkFeesStringIndicates who pays Paylink fees, in this case, "merchant".
partnerMadaFeesPercentageFloatPartner's Mada fees percentage.
partnerLocalVisaFeesPercentagePartner's local Visa fees percentage (not available in this response).
partnerGulfVisaFeesPercentagePartner's Gulf Visa fees percentage (not available in this response).
partnerGlobalVisaFeesPercentagePartner's global Visa fees percentage (not available in this response).
partnerMadaFixedFeesPartner's Mada fixed fees (not available in this response).
partnerVisaFixedFeesPartner's Visa fixed fees (not available in this response).
partnerTerminationAmountPartner's termination amount (not available in this response).
partnerCurrentAmountPartner's current amount (not available in this response).
profileReferenceNoStringReference number for the merchant's profile.
relationshipCreationDateintegerUnix timestamp representing the date of the relationship's creation.
relationshipStatusStringStatus of the relationship with the merchant (e.g., "Active").
terminationDateTermination date of the relationship (not available in this response).
terminationNoteTermination note for the relationship (not available in this response).

Example of the response:

    "id": 1,
    "merchantId": 3906,
    "merchantShopName": null,
    "merchantPhone": "0512345678",
    "merchantLicenseType": "freelancer",
    "merchantLicenseNumber": "FL-12345678",
    "merchantLicenseName": "Ahmed Ali Mohammed",
    "merchantCivilId": "1012345678",
    "merchantEmail": "[email protected]",
    "merchantStoreUsername": null,
    "partnerProfileNo": "412345678",
    "partnerLicenseName": "Ahmed Ali Mohammed",
    "currentViewer": null,
    "partnerId": null,
    "whoPayPaylinkFees": "merchant",
    "partnerMadaFeesPercentage": 0.0,
    "partnerLocalVisaFeesPercentage": null,
    "partnerGulfVisaFeesPercentage": null,
    "partnerGlobalVisaFeesPercentage": null,
    "partnerMadaFixedFees": null,
    "partnerVisaFixedFees": null,
    "partnerTerminationAmount": null,
    "partnerCurrentAmount": null,
    "profileReferenceNo": "412345678-3906-1",
    "relationshipCreationDate": 1690240524000,
    "relationshipStatus": "Active",
    "terminationDate": null,
    "terminationNote": null