Archive Merchant API

This API endpoint lets you archive a merchant using a specific key, like a mobile number.


This endpoint only work in testing environment.


POST  /rest/partner/test/archive-merchant/{partnerProfileNo}

Query Parameters

ParameterValue TypeDescription
partnerProfileNoStringThe specific partner profile ID you wish to archive

Request Headers

AuthorizationYesBearer token provided by Authentication Endpoint
AcceptYesIt must be set to application/JSON.
Content-TypeYesIt must be set to application/JSON.
  "Authorization": "Bearer [id_token]",
  "Accept": "application/json",
  "Content-Type": "application/json"

Request Body Parameters

Field nameField typeDescription
keyTypeStringType of the key being passed:
keyStringThis is the actual value like a mobile number

Possible values of keyType

emailThe email of the sub-merchant.
crThe commercial registration of the merchant.
freelancerFreelancer document of the merchant
mobileThe mobile number of the merchant.
orderNumberThe order number is in the system of the merchant.
accountNoThe account number of the merchant in Paylink

An example of the request is as follows:

  "keyType": "email",
  "key": "[email protected]"