Refund Webhook

Refund Webhook

Endpoint: Merchant-Specified Webhook URL


The Refund Webhook notifies merchants about the status of refund transactions in real time. Paylink triggers this webhook to inform your system of the outcome when a refund is processed, ensuring your records are updated accordingly.

HTTP Method

  • Method: POST

Request Headers

  • X-API-KEY (string, required): The API key provided to the merchant for authentication.

Request Body

The webhook sends a JSON object with details about the refund:

Request Body Fields

  • transactionNo (string, required): The unique transaction number associated with the refund.
  • refundStatus (string, required): The status of the refund ("Refunded" or "Failed").
  • refundAmount (number, required): The amount that was refunded.
  • currency (string, required): The currency of the refund (e.g., "SAR").
  • merchantOrderNumber (string, optional): The order number assigned by the merchant.
  • apiVersion (string, optional): The API version being used (e.g., "v2").

Example Webhook Payload

    "transactionNo": "1234567890ABC",
    "refundStatus": "Refunded",
    "refundAmount": 250.00,
    "currency": "SAR",
    "merchantOrderNumber": "ORD789012",
    "apiVersion": "v2"

Expected Response

Merchants should respond with an HTTP 200 OK status code to acknowledge receipt of the webhook.


    "status": "success"

Error Handling

If the webhook is not acknowledged with a 200 OK status, Paylink will retry sending the webhook up to ten times.