Android Package


To use the Paylink SDK in your Android project, follow these steps:

  1. In settings.gradle , put the following repository:
maven { url '' }

For example:

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }
  1. Add the following to your build.gradle file:
dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.Paylink-sa:Paylink-mobile-android-sdk:1.1.1'
  1. Add the following required dependencies to your build.gradle
implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.6.1'
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
  1. Make sure the viewBinding feature is enabled in the build.gradle file.
 buildFeatures {
   viewBinding true



Initialize the SDK with the environment.

PLPaymentGateway paymentGateway = new PLPaymentGateway(Environment.TEST);
// Environment can be: Environment.TEST, Environment.DEV, or Environment.PRODUCTION

Generating an Invoice transaction no

An invoice should be created on the application's server-side by calling the addInvoice endpoint and then passing transactionNo to the client.



transactionNo: this is same value of transactionNo received from calling addInvoice endpoint.

Opening Payment Form

Call openPaymentForm of the SDK to open the payment form:

// transactionNo is received from the backend server of the merchant.
paylinkGateway.openPaymentForm(transactionNo, context, new Callback<PLPaylinkCallbackData, APIError>() {
     public void onSuccess(PLPaylinkCallbackData plPaylinkCallbackData) {
         // this code will be called after the payment completed.
         // PLPaylinkCallbackData has two properties:
         // - getTransactionNo(): return transactionNo of the payment (Paylink unique #)
         // - getOrderNumber(): return the order num of the payment (Merchant unique #)
         System.out.println("Transaction No is: " + response.getTransactionNo());
         System.out.println("Order Number is: " + response.getOrderNumber());

     public void onError(APIError apiError) {
         // this code will be called if there is any error during the payment.

Check order status

Pass the received transactionNo to your server side to check the order status using getInvoice endpoint (here).

Customized Payment Form URL:

Paylink usually opens the payment form based on Paylink's branding and look and feel. But what if the merchant or the developer using Paylink's SDK wants to design their payment form?

Here in Paylink, we enable developers to fully control the payment form using the initializing parameter "paymentFormUrl." Developers can set their payment form and pass their URL to the constructor of the class PaylinkGateway in the parameter "paymentFormUrl."

String paymentFormUrl = "";
this.paylinkGateway = new PaylinkGateway(this.environment, paymentFormUrl, "android");

Then, Paylink, during payment, will open the merchant's customized payment form instead of the default one.


Customized Payment Form Parameters:

During opening payment form, Paylink will pass two parameters to the customized payment form which are:

Field nameTypeDescription
transactionNoStringA transaction no of the payment.
platformStringthe platform of the device "android" or "ios"


Sample of code

To download a sample of the code, click here