Flutter Package

Flutter Package designed to simplify the integration of Paylink's payment gateway into Flutter applications. It provides a streamlined way to handle payments within your Flutter app.

Package Link



To integrate Paylink's payment gateway into your Flutter application using the paylink_payment package, follow these steps:

  1. Install the Package:

    Add paylink_payment to your pubspec.yaml file under dependencies:

      paylink_payment: ^2.0.0 # Use the latest version
  2. Import the Package:

    Import the paylink_payment package in your Dart file:

    import 'package:paylink_payment/paylink_payment.dart';
  3. Initialize Paylink instance

  • For Testing

    paylink = PaylinkPayment.test(
      context: context,
      webViewTitle: 'Payment Screen', // optional
      textColor: Colors.white, // optional
      themeColor: Colors.blue, // optional
  • For Production

    paylink = PaylinkPayment.production(
      context: context,
      apiId: '**************',
      secretKey: '**************',
      webViewTitle: 'Payment Screen', // optional
      textColor: Colors.white, // optional
      themeColor: Colors.blue, // optional

Package Functionalities

1. Open Payment Form:

Use the PaylinkPayment class to open the payment form when a button or action is triggered. Here's an example of how to do this:

// paylink instance initialized in previous step
  transactionNo: '1713690519134',
  onPaymentComplete: (PaylinkInvoice orderDetails) {
    /// Handle payment completion
  onError: (Object error) {
    /// Handle payment error
  • Implement the onPaymentComplete and onError callbacks to handle the payment completion and any errors that occur during the payment process. Customize these callbacks based on your app's requirements.

2. Add Invoice:

  amount: 220.0,
  clientMobile: '0512345678',
  clientName: 'Mohammed',
  orderNumber: '123456789',
  callBackUrl: 'https://example.com',
  products: [
    PaylinkProduct(title: 'Book', price: 100, qty: 2),
    PaylinkProduct(title: 'Pen', price: 2, qty: 10),
  cancelUrl: 'https://example.com',
  clientEmail: '[email protected]',
  currency: 'SAR',
  displayPending: true,
  note: 'Test invoice',
  smsMessage: 'URL: [SHORT_URL], Amount: [AMOUNT]',
  supportedCardBrands: ['mada', 'visaMastercard', 'amex', 'tabby', 'tamara', 'stcpay', 'urpay'],
.then((PaylinkInvoice orderDetails) {
  /// Handle success response
.onError((error, stackTrace) {
  /// Handle error response

3. Retrieve Invoice Details:

.then((PaylinkInvoice orderDetails) {
  /// Handle success response
.onError((error, stackTrace) {
  /// Handle error response

4. Cancel Invoice:

.then((bool result) {
  /// Handle success response
.onError((error, stackTrace) {
  /// Handle error response

By following these steps, you can easily integrate Paylink's payment gateway into your Flutter application using the paylink_payment package.