3. Add Merchant Information

The third step for registration is adding Information related to the merchant, such as a bank, IBAN, email, and password.


POST /api/partner/register/add-info

Request Headers

AuthorizationYesBearer token provided by Authentication Endpoint
AcceptYesIt must be set to application/JSON.
Content-TypeYesIt must be set to application/JSON.
  "Authorization": "Bearer [id_token]",
  "Accept": "application/json",
  "Content-Type": "application/json"

Request Body Parameters

Field nameField typeDescriptionRestrictions
signatureStringThe signature is received from the first step. It must be passed as is.Modifying the signature will invalidate the registration session.
sessionUuidStringThe registration session UUID.This field must be passed as is. Otherwise, it will invalidate the registration session.
mobileStringIt is the mobile number of the merchant.It must be the mobile number submitted in the first step.
partnerProfileNoStringThe partner profile no. It will be given upon signing the contract with Paylink.
ibanStringIt is the merchant's bank IBAN.It must be 22 lengths. Do not enter SA at the beginning because only Saudi IBAN are accepted.
bankNameStringIt is the bank name of the merchant.It must be only from the values retrieved in "bankNames" of the response of the second step.
categoryDescriptionStringDescription of the merchant business. Merchant must describe their business and activity in a free text value.Length must be 100 chars or more. The maximum value is 1000 chars.
salesVolumeStringIt is the volume of merchant sales per month.This value must be only from the values retrieved in "monthlySalesVolumes" of the response of the second step.
sellingScope[global, domestic]Choose only two values: domestic to sell in Saudi Arabia or global to sell internationally.You must select only one value from "global" or "domestic."
nationalIdStringIt is the national ID of the merchant.This value must be only from the values retrieved in "nationalIds" of the response of the second step if "nationalIds" is not empty.
licenseNameStringIt is the actual name of the merchant in the license here.This value must be only from the values retrieved in "licenseName" of the response of the second step.
EmailStringEmail of the merchantIt must contain an email format value.
firstNameStringThe first name of the merchant
lastNameStringThe last name of the merchant.
passwordStringThe password of the merchant.

An example of the request is as follows:

  "signature": "ae135f2506d******",
  "sessionUuid": "96ea8e22******",
  "mobile": "0500000001",
  "partnerProfileNo": "19039481",
  "iban": "1234567890123456789012",
  "bankName": "Bank A",
  "categoryDescription": "Example business description exceeding 100 characters to ensure it meets the minimum length requirement.",
  "salesVolume": "10000_50000",
  "sellingScope": "domestic",
  "nationalId": "1234567890",
  "licenseName": "Example Company",
  "Email": "[email protected]",
  "firstName": "Mohammed",
  "lastName": "Ali",
  "password": "example_password"

Success Response

After submitting the above input, the response details are as follows:

Field nameField typeDescription
signatureStringThis is a signature that must be passed to the next step. It is used for data integrity.
mobileStringIt will contain the mobile number of the merchant.
sessionUuidStringThis field will contain a random session UUID for this registration process.
termsArray of StringList of Paylink terms to be approved by the registering merchant. These terms must be displayed to the merchants for Information. Violating any terms will cause the merchant application to be rejected.
nafathRandomNumberStringThe random number to select is in the Nafath mobile app. The merchant has to open the Nafath app, choose this number, and approve the confirmation in the Nafath App.

Example of the response:

  "signature": "ae135f2506dc3c44152d62265419c09e****",
  "mobile": "00966512345678",
  "sessionUuid": "96ea8e22-edef-414b-9724-3bd2d494b710",
  "terms": [
  "nafathRandomNumber": "123456"